CapreLife Global’s Opening in Miami

CapreLife Global’s Opening in Miami

CapreLife Global’s Opening in Miami

The rise of female entrepreneurs and business owners just gets bigger and bigger as the years are passing on. Recently, the Managing Director of CapreLife Global has opened a new business at the Miami location. This is exciting for various reasons. Miami has been named as the city of entrepreneurs. An article we read, “Within the past five years, Miami has become known both as the of opportunity for business founders, the ideal place to start a business. Add to the mix the legions of incubators, accelerators, and resources available to all entrepreneurs sprouting up Downtown and in Midtown, and it’s clear why women are choosing en masse to locate their startups in Miami.”

“Miami is in need of fresh innovation and it’s great to grab this opportunity by its roots. I’ve noticed the growth and steady resources available that make it the best place for opening a business,” mentions CapreLife Global. There are thriving entrepreneurs that support others of their same kind, and CapreLife Global has chosen to be a part of this success. Many people look over this city and do not revitalize the benefits. “It’s an opportunity to rebuild the city and provide opportunities to make it great,” mentions CapreLife Global. CapreLife’s CEO believes that this day and age is ideal for entrepreneurs and in particular for women, it’s a vast ocean of growth and opportunities. Studies have shown that “Since 1997, the number of women-owned firms in the U.S. has increased by 67.8 percent while the number of men-owned firms grew by 34.4 percent.”

This didn’t just happen overnight. Hard work, struggle, and fierce attitude have lead entrepreneurs to pave their way into cities like Miami. Due to that, CapreLife Global knows that this is the perfect location with numerous benefits. We’re excited about the growth this will provide for us, and in time we hope to expand more. “This was merely the first step of a long-term goal; there are many more accomplishments to be made and many more struggles to be overcome. For now, this city will be great, I am confident in that,” notes CapreLife Global.

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